أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في مدونة البندري الزامل .. حياكم......

الأحد، 15 أبريل 2012

                                                                                                                             Dear sister   
Be like a star, so far no one can reach you, so bright and shining, guiding people with the light of your good deeds
Be like a pearl, so precious, well protected in your shell (hijab ), the only one who canhave you is the right husband who would realize your true value and cherish your protected beauty
Be like a closed book, don’t let any man read you except the... one whom Allah has already decreed for you
Don’t be one of the lost dealsof any man and don’t be the one he adds to his life’s archive
Don’t turn your heart to a"laboratory" of emotional experiences which end everytime with tears and regret and anger from Allah
Don’t try to win a sumones love and lose Allah’s satisfactioN! 

Beating HeartBeating HeartBeating Heart

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